

IF MORRIS TOWNSEND was not to be included in this journey, no more was Mrs.Penniman, who would have been thankful for an invitation, but who (to do her justice) bore her disappointment in a perfectly ladylike manner."I should enjoy seeing the works of Raphael and the ruins- the ruins of the Pantheon," she said to Mrs.Almond, "but, on the other hand, I shall not be sorry to be alone and at peace for the next few months in Washington Square.I want rest; I have been through so much in the last four months." Mrs.Almond thought it rather cruel that her brother should not take poor Lavinia abroad; but she easily understood that, if the purpose of his expedition was to make Catherine forget her lover, it was not in his interest to give his daughter this young man's best friend as a companion."If Lavinia had not been so foolish, she might visit the ruins of the Pantheon," she said to herself; and she continued to regret her sister's folly, even though the latter assured her that she had often heard the relics in question most satisfactorily described by Mr.Penniman.Mrs.Penniman was perfectly aware that her brother's motive in undertaking a foreign tour was to lay a trap for Catherine's constancy; and she imparted this conviction very frankly to her niece.

"He thinks it will make you forget Morris," she said (she always called the young man "Morris" now)."Out of sight, out of mind, you know.He thinks that all the things you will see over there will drive him out of your thoughts."Catherine looked greatly alarmed."If he thinks that, I ought to tell him beforehand."Mrs.Penniman shook her head."Tell him afterward, my dear- after he has had all the trouble and expense.That's the way to serve him." And she added, in a softer key, that it must be delightful to think of those who love us among the ruins of the Pantheon.

Her father's displeasure had cost the girl, as we know, a great deal of deep-welling sorrow- sorrow of the purest and most generous kind, without a touch of resentment or rancor; but for the first time, after he had dismissed with such contemptuous brevity her apology for being a charge upon him, there was a spark of anger in her grief.

She had felt his contempt; it had scorched her; that speech about her bad taste had made her ears burn for three days.During this period she was less considerate; she had an idea- a rather vague one, but it was agreeable to her sense of injury- that now she was absolved from penance, and might do what she chose.She chose to write to Morris Townsend to meet her in the Square and take her to walk about the town.If she were going to Europe out of respect to her father, she might at least give herself this satisfaction.She felt in every way at present more free and more resolute; there was a force that urged her.Now at last, completely and unreservedly, her passion possessed her.

Morris met her at last, and they took a long walk.She told him immediately what had happened; that her father wished to take her away- it would be for six months- to Europe; she would do absolutely what Morris should think best.She hoped inexpressibly that he would think it best she should stay at home.It was some time before he said what he thought; he asked, as they walked along, a great many questions.There was one that especially struck her; it seemed so incongruous.

"Should you like to see all those celebrated things over there?""Oh no, Morris!" said Catherine, quite deprecatingly.

"Gracious heaven, what a dull woman!" Morris exclaimed to himself.

"He thinks I will forget you," said Catherine, "that all these things will drive you out of my mind.""Well, my dear, perhaps they will."

"Please don't say that," Catherine answered, gently, as they walked along."Poor Father will be disappointed."Morris gave a little laugh."Yes, I verily believe that your poor father will be disappointed.But you will have seen Europe," he added, humorously."What a take in!""I don't care for seeing Europe," Catherine said.

"You ought to care, my dear; and it may mollify your father."Catherine, conscious of her obstinacy, expected little of this, and could not rid herself of the idea that in going abroad and yet remaining firm, she should play her father a trick."Don't you think it would be a kind of deception?" she asked.

"Doesn't he want to deceive you?" cried Morris."It will serve him right.I really think you had better go.""And not be married for so long?"

  • Childhood


  • 四代


  • 都公谭纂


  • 上清佩符文诀


  • 止观门论颂


  • 青春韵语--二月,疼了一个指尖


  • 东方九天


  • 在一起


  • 万界之开局获得佐佐木小次郎传承


  • 逆战苍穹


  • 老婆,老板娘与河南妹子


  • 我家二师兄运筹帷幄但却无法攻击


    前世出身富贵在各种各怀目的的人围绕下长大的龙子明性情冷漠不相信任何人,直到重生到异界后,转世成为穹霄门内门弟子二师兄,获得重生的他刚刚喜极而泣终于可以结交不在乎他家庭的的人时却发现.......等等!我还是大家族的子弟?我为什么无法施展任何攻击手段?就在他又一次暗自悲叹命运的不公时,耳边再次响起了那一声声熟悉的呼唤。大师姐:“二师弟,别不搭理人家啊,这就是你以前说过那什么放置Play吗?”“大师姐,你想多了。”三师妹:“傲天师兄,今天你做的什么吃的?”“三师妹,我以前就已经改名为龙子明了。”五师妹:“二师兄,你看到方逸师兄了吗?我用爆烈符又创造了一个新游戏呢。”就在龙子明刚要回答时,宗主的怒吼响彻云霄。“龙子明,方逸那家伙又逃出宗门了,你赶紧把他给我抓回来!” 本作为轻小说,前中期以日常为主~
  • 我的暖男朋友


  • 温阳非好路自知


  • 天行

