

Edna did not wish to enter. It was very pleasant there on the side porch, where there were chairs, a wicker lounge, and a small table. She seated herself, for she was tired from her long tramp;and she began to rock gently and smooth out the folds of her silk parasol. Victor drew up his chair beside her. He at once explained that the black woman's offensive conduct was all due to imperfect training, as he was not there to take her in hand. He had only come up from the island the morning before, and expected to return next day. He stayed all winter at the island; he lived there, and kept the place in order and got things ready for the summer visitors.

But a man needed occasional relaxation, he informed Mrs.

Pontellier, and every now and again he drummed up a pretext to bring him to the city. My! but he had had a time of it the evening before! He wouldn't want his mother to know, and he began to talk in a whisper. He was scintillant with recollections. Of course, he couldn't think of telling Mrs. Pontellier all about it, she being a woman and not comprehending such things. But it all began with a girl peeping and smiling at him through the shutters as he passed by. Oh! but she was a beauty! Certainly he smiled back, and went up and talked to her. Mrs. Pontellier did not know him if she supposed he was one to let an opportunity like that escape him.

Despite herself, the youngster amused her. She must have betrayed in her look some degree of interest or entertainment. The boy grew more daring, and Mrs. Pontellier might have found herself, in a little while, listening to a highly colored story but for the timely appearance of Madame Lebrun.

That lady was still clad in white, according to her custom of the summer.

Her eyes beamed an effusive welcome. Would not Mrs. Pontellier go inside?

Would she partake of some refreshment? Why had she not been there before?

How was that dear Mr. Pontellier and how were those sweet children?

Had Mrs. Pontellier ever known such a warm November?

Victor went and reclined on the wicker lounge behind his mother's chair, where he commanded a view of Edna's face. He had taken her parasol from her hands while he spoke to her, and he now lifted it and twirled it above him as he lay on his back. When Madame Lebrun complained that it was so dull coming back to the city;that she saw so few people now; that even Victor, when he came up from the island for a day or two, had so much to occupy him and engage his time; then it was that the youth went into contortions on the lounge and winked mischievously at Edna.

She somehow felt like a confederate in crime, and tried to look severe and disapproving.

There had been but two letters from Robert, with little in them, they told her. Victor said it was really not worth while to go inside for the letters, when his mother entreated him to go in search of them. He remembered the contents, which in truth he rattled off very glibly when put to the test.

One letter was written from Vera Cruz and the other from the City of Mexico. He had met Montel, who was doing everything toward his advancement. So far, the financial situation was no improvement over the one he had left in New Orleans, but of course the prospects were vastly better. He wrote of the City of Mexico, the buildings, the people and their habits, the conditions of life which he found there. He sent his love to the family. He inclosed a check to his mother, and hoped she would affectionately remember him to all his friends. That was about the substance of the two letters. Edna felt that if there had been a message for her, she would have received it. The despondent frame of mind in which she had left home began again to overtake her, and she remembered that she wished to find Mademoiselle Reisz.

Madame Lebrun knew where Mademoiselle Reisz lived. She gave Edna the address, regretting that she would not consent to stay and spend the remainder of the afternoon, and pay a visit to Mademoiselle Reisz some other day. The afternoon was already well advanced.

Victor escorted her out upon the banquette, lifted her parasol, and held it over her while he walked to the car with her.

He entreated her to bear in mind that the disclosures of the afternoon were strictly confidential. She laughed and bantered him a little, remembering too late that she should have been dignified and reserved.

"How handsome Mrs. Pontellier looked!" said Madame Lebrun to her son.

"Ravishing!" he admitted. "The city atmosphere has improved her.

Some way she doesn't seem like the same woman."

  • 火影之我是鸣人的弟弟


  • 雾雨神龙


  • 领主伪装记


  • 天行


  • 仙门遍地是奇葩


  • 秋东传奇


  • 新女书


  • 女贼巡山:抓个相公好洞房


  • 芩萱的重生记事


    重生回前世自己十六岁的日子,即将成为自己继母的害死自己母亲的女人,冷漠甚至提防着自己的父亲,以及身边人蠢蠢欲动的心思,姜芩萱可谓前有虎后有狼。但是她姜芩萱会被打倒吗?显然不会,有了重新再来的一次机会,昔日的爱人、亲人、朋友,她又怎么会看不透她们的心思呢?身为豪门的千金,不是她的错,却为什么总是有嫉恨她的人出现并且一次次陷害自己。她们只看见了豪门千金身份的高贵,却没有注意到这身份背后的悲哀。姜芩萱只想如何应对这一系列明枪暗箭,报完仇,过自己想要的悠闲生活。PS:可以求下推荐与收藏么?~\(≧▽≦)/~小手轻轻一点就可以啦,我的推荐与收藏实在是太少了,拜托了各位亲们(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~
  • 天行

